New technology allows you to connect your hearing aids to your computer/laptop/tablet ... but we understand using Bluetooth can be annoying! Here are some easy instructions to follow.

How to connect your hearing aids to your computer/laptop/tablet:

  1. Enable Bluetooth on your device by going into settings and then to Bluetooth connectivity.
  2. Open and close the battery door of your hearing aids or if you have rechargeable aids, turn them off and on again to put them into pairing mode.
  3. Once they are in pairing mode, they will appear on your list of Bluetooth enabled devices on your computer/laptop/tablet.
  4. You will have 3 minutes to connect your hearing aids to the device.
  5. Place your hearing aids back into your ears.
  6. Select the hearing aids from the found enabled devices list and listen for a beep to confirm they are connected.

If these steps don’t work for you feel free to contact us on 0403 690 980 or pop by and visit us with your device and we will do our best to help you.